Project Management & Co-ordination

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Project Management & Co-ordination


The component is designed to ensure that the project is effectively and efficiently managed. The objective of the component is to enhance management in implementation and coordination of project activities so as to ensure the project is implemented to achieve its objectives.

The key institutional structures that will ensure smooth running of the project starting at the policy level up to the implementation level include: the Project Steering Committee (PSC); Project Coordinating Team (PCT); County Project Coordinating Committee (CPCC) and County Project Facilitating Committee (CPFC). Sub-County Implementing Teams (SCITs) will be established at sub-county levels to support community based institutions such as WRUAs, CFAs, FDACs and CIGs. An Independent Oversight service provider will be competitively recruited to support PCT to: appraise community project proposals (desk and field), monitor implementation and report on agreed milestones.

The expected outputs for the component are:

  • Fully functional Governance, Management, Monitoring and reporting systems, and
  • Knowledge about Natural Resources Management effectively managed and disseminated to stakeholders.

The component has two sub- components namely:

  • Project Management. This encompasses Coordination, Planning, and financial management (disbursements, procurements and audits).
  • Knowledge Management and Learning (KM&L) the project will develop a KM&L system will encompass five key pillars namely: Monitoring and Evaluation; Information Management; Communication; Innovation and Experimentation and Learning and Adaptation.


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